Why Vegetables?

Why Vegetables?

Everyone is familiar with the classic rose petal bath, but hardly anyone thinks to add vegetables.

We did.

Because we discovered that vegetable baths are a gold mine of undiscovered health benefits like: brain health, skin nourishing, collagen support, emotional wellbeing, and more.

Think about it. Vegetables are synonymous with health. But most people only think about vegetables in terms of food and what they can put inside their bodies. 

But due to things like food quality, chemicals, gut biome, inflammation, and stomach acid levels, often the nutrients from the vegetables we eat either do not get absorbed or they get used up before they have a chance to make it to our skin.

Vegetable baths work from the outside in, working to nourish and rejuvenate your skin - which is the largest organ in your body.

It's more than just tossing in a handful of carrots into your bath water.

The Veggie Bath Co.'s veggie soaks take all the goodness contained in each vegetable. Compounds like:

  • Vitamins (vitamin C, folate, vitamin A)
  • Minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium)
  • Nutrients
  • Antioxidants
  • Phytochemicals (phenolics, flavonoids, carotenoids)

and we develop a unique combination of ingredients for each bath blend that works synergistically with that particular vegetable to maximize the health benefits.

Our bath soaks are more than bath salts. They are a form of selfcare, holistic and natural health, and beauty treatment.

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